Customer / Partner Center Sign In Help Commonly asked questions and answers.

What security method is used to access my account?

Itron uses Microsoft Entra ID to manage your secure, personalized access to Itron applications on behalf of your organization. This secure method allows you to use your organization's Microsoft login credentials. If you do not have a Microsoft account, you will be prompted to create one during the sign-up process to access applications. Learn More about Microsoft Entra ID.


Why did I receive an email invitation from

This is your invitation to use your personal or company's Office 365 account for authentication to access Itron applications. Please note, if you do not have an Office 365 account, you will be prompted to set one up to access Itron applications.


Why do I receive an error when trying to sign in?

There are several reasons where this could occur.

  1. An error indicating "Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'Itron' and cannot access the application…" indicates the account you are attempting to sign in with is not registered with Itron. If you have registered, make sure to select the correct account. If you have not registered, sign up for an account. Note: If the error indicates a different user account than the one you selected, it may be because you are signed into the computer with that account. For example, you tried to sign in with user A, but user B is mentioned in the error because user B is the one signed into the computer. Try using a different browser or signing into the computer with the other user (user A in this example).
  2. If you created a new account and attempted to sign in prior to receiving notification that your account was approved, you will see an error. Itron typically will process your request within two business days. Please try again after you receive the email stating your account was approved.
  3. The error "This username may be incorrect..." indicates the username you entered does not match your Microsoft account. Make sure you have entered your username correctly.
  4. The error "We couldn't find an account with that username" indicates the username you entered does not have a Microsoft account. Make sure you have entered the correct username.

What if I do not remember my Microsoft account password?

When prompted for your password, use the "Forgot password?" option to reset your password. If your organization has not enabled using this option, you will see an error and should contact your IT department for assistance.


Why didn't I receive an email invitation?

  1. If you believe you have an Itron Customer Center account, you might not need the invitation email. Try to sign in using your Microsoft Account. If it does not work, see #2 and #3.
  2. Check your email spam/junk folder.
  3. The email may have been blocked. Check with your organization's IT department to ensure the email address is white listed.
  4. Contact and request the email be resent.

Why do I receive the error "This email address is already in use..." when trying to sign up?

This error occurs when you try to sign up with an email address that has already been registered. Choose the sign in option to sign in with your existing account or sign up using a different email address.


I already have a Microsoft account; how do I sign in?

Existing Itron Customer Center users should be able to sign in using their Microsoft account credentials. If you have not registered for an account, choose the option to sign up. Your registration will be reviewed within two business days. Once your access has been approved, you will receive an approval email, and you can sign in using your Microsoft account credentials to gain access to Itron applications.


If you continue to experience issues logging in, please contact

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